Crowthorne Summer Activities

Join us again for four fun free Fridays on the Morgan Recreation Ground, Crowthorne!

The 2024 dates are Fridays: 26th July, 2nd August, 9th August, and 16th August. (Activities run 3-5pm each day!)

As in 2023, we have provided a “Pre-Registration” link to streamline the booking-in stage so kids can get on the activities faster at the start of the afternoon. (It also really helps our wonderful volunteers too!). Please complete a separate registration entry for each child attending. PS We close the online registration beforehand (so we can print out the lists) – but don’t worry, you can still register your child on the day – come to the registration tent.

We’ve booked an exciting new activity and we can’t wait to see how much fun the kids will have with this! Also look out for special visits from the Royal Berks Fire and Rescue Service

Whilst the activities are free for young people, they are not cost-free to provide and we are most grateful to Churches together in Crowthorne Parish Council and Wokingham Without Parish Council for their generous grants. We still need to raise any further funds, so please get in touch if you can help!