Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2020

We will be joined by Churches Together Sandhurst on Sunday January 19th 6:30pm at Crowthorne Methodist Church to celebrate the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity that happens between 18th and 25th January each year.

Each day we will be posting from the excellent material produced by the Churches in Malta and Gozo (“Unusual kindness”). You can find these resources at: https://ctbi.org.uk/week-of-prayer-for-christian-unity-reso….

New Communities Day – 18 Jan 2019

All the churches are invited to a “New Communities” Day (organised by the local CoE churches – Sonning Deanery)

It’s at St John the Baptist Church, Crowthorne, Sat 18th January 9:30-12:30 focussing on how we might engage with our neighbours, but particularly our new neighbours on the housing estates springing up across Crowthorne.

Come along to hear how we can engage with the new communities in our areas. To consider how we build new congregations, and to share ideas on engaging with our neighbours.

The guest speaker is Will Donaldson, Director of New Congregations, Oxford Diocese. Will has lots of experience of developing church in unusual settings.

Please join us for a very appropriate way to start the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2020!

NB bookings to [email protected]

Carols at Buckler’s Park – 7pm Tuesday 17th December 2019

A special invitation to residents of the new Buckler’s Park estate to join us for carol singing with fantastic Breakaway Brass (star of the Christmas Light Switch on event in November).

We’re meeting outside the Sales Centre (Buckler’s Ride) from 6:45pm ready to kick off festive singing at 7pm, followed by light refreshments by kind permission of Legal and General Homes.

PS No Parking is available at the Sales Centre and very limited on the estate so please leave your car at home (or in a nearby street!).

Did you you find an angel on Saturday morning?

Pic: Jo Louise

Local people were astounded to discover that 350+ angels had landed in Crowthorne with a message to “take me home”.

The Village facebook site was transformed by stories of people finding angels “It made my day”, said one surprised trader.

Children joined in too “By request of my little person we had to stop at each and everyone and read the messages.”

The flight of angels was co-ordinated by the churches in Crowthorne / Finchampstead as part of their Christmas Message to the Village. Later in the morning, a band and singers from all the churches sang carols for shoppers in the High Street.

Angels play a big part in the Christmas story – delivering messages to Mary the mother of Jesus and the shepherds outside Bethlehem where Jesus was born.

Crowthorne Angels delivered messages including “joy to the world” , “life is for living” and “peace on earth”.

This Christmas will you stop and listen to the message of the angels?

Join one of the local churches as they celebrate Christmas. Details here.

PS Don’t forget to bring your angel!

Advent Sunday Taize Worship

Do join us for this simple act of worship. Taizé style worship makes use of silences and repetitive meditative songs to deepen our awareness of God. We draw together to worship the living God and encounter his presence among us as we wait upon him.

Welcome to new residents of Birch Place!

On Thursday 14th November, members from Crowthorne Baptist, Crowthorne Methodist, Holy Ghost RC, St John’s and St Sebastian’s churches joined new homeowners at Birch Place to welcome them into their new home.

The lounge was soon buzzing with happy chatter and yes, we demolished the cakes and biscuits that the team brought too!

Our hope and prayer is that all the new residents will be really happy, thrive and be blessed as they make their new home at Birch Place.