Photo: Christian Aid/Tom Pilston
“I do not call you servants any longer.. have called you friends” (John 15:15)
Romans 8:26-27 – The Spirit helps us in our weakness
Luke 11:1-4 – Lord, teach us to pray
Lord Jesus, your entire life was prayer, perfect harmony with the Father.
Through your Spirit, teach us to pray according to your will of love.
May the faithful of the whole world unite in intercession and praise, and may your kingdom of love come.
- Jesus lived as an example of what it means to “live in prayer’! If prayer is the foundation of our relationship with God how much time and attention could you give to your personal prayer life?
- What have you learned from praying with other Christians? What might God want you to learn from the practices and traditions of others?
- What specific need in your community can you commit to pray for over the coming year?