Lots of fun promised at Crowthorne Summer Activities again this year!

Once again, Churches Together in Crowthorne are putting on four fun-packed free Friday afternoons on the Morgan Rec in Crowthorne. The first event kicks off at 3pm on Friday 28th July and the kids can’t wait!

Each week there will be the usual bouncy castle, climbing wall – but look out as we ring the changes with some new fun activities. We’ll have a supervised craft tent, a quiet place for the tots (including story times) and chance to take some time out for reflection and prayer. The afternoon wraps up with yummy pizza from Villa Roma!

If you can pre-register your children in advance that helps us know who is coming and speeds up the time at the start of each Friday so the kids get to their activities faster! The link for pre-registration on Eventbrite is here.

A big thank you to the local councils (Crowthorne Parish council, Wokingham Without Parish Council) other grant funders and local businesses that have generously helped us put this event on and keep it free for children to attend. If you are able to “Give a little” to help us reach more children then please donate here.

PS Don’t forget to bring a reuseable water bottle to minimise the impact on the environment.

Christian Aid Week coming to Crowthorne!

Christian Aid Logo

Christian Aid week is coming to raise awareness of their amazing humanitarian work in some of the poorest countries in the world. this year the focus is on projects which will help parents in very difficult circumstances such as droughts & poverty to feed AND educate their children.

Our Churches are supporting this with a number of events:

A house to house envelope collection c/o the Sergeants from Crowthorne Baptist Church

QUIZAID on Saturday 20th May 7:30pm at St James Church Centre Finchampstead Tickets for QUIZAID at £6.50 each can be ordered through St James Church, Finchampstead Office. Ploughman’s Supper is included.

Big Brekkie at St John the Baptist Parish Church (9am Sunday 21st May)

Alternatively check out the main website for details of how you can donate


Join Churches Together at the Crowthorne Coronation Party

Why not come and say “Hello” at the Coronation Party in the Park on the Morgan Rec. on Saturday…we’ll be introducing the Village to ALL of Churches Together Events. CTC & Hope Zone will have stalls…there will be television coverage of the coronation on a large screen, bouncy castles, craft stalls, food, drinks, live bands etc…. a great time to celebrate our role in the community.

Crowthorne Good Neighbours are loooking for a secretary

Crowthorne Good Neighbours is a voluntary organisation which was originally set up by Churches Together in Crowthorne 50 years ago.

We are a much valued and appreciated organisation that provides transport assistance to RG45 residents who would otherwise have difficulty getting to and from, mainly medical, appointments.  We are a happy bunch and rely fully on our wonderful volunteers and are run entirely on donations.

After 12 years our current Secretary is retiring and we therefore find ourselves with a vacancy.  If you think you might be interested in joining us and would like further information please call on 01344 761001.  The phone is manned 10-12 Mon to Fri, but is often busy, however, you can leave a message on the answer phone during and outside those times and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you

Sue McIntosh, Coordinator


“….AND….it’s a WRAP!” …’another year over and a new one just begun’ …and the CHURCHES TOGETHER in CROWTHORNE High Street Christmas lights are taken down to have a rest for a few months.

Thank you for all your support at Late Night Shopping, “Carols in the Square” and “Hunt the Angel”…stay tuned for further CTC events throughout the Year. Meanwhile …. we wish you all a Happy, Healthy and Blessed New Year. From the Churches in Crowthorne.