Whatever your view on the General Election announcement, this video from the Bible Society and Christians in Politics sets out clearly how and why Christians need to engage…
Lots of fun promised at Crowthorne Summer Activities again this year!
Once again, Churches Together in Crowthorne are putting on four fun-packed free Friday afternoons on the Morgan Rec in Crowthorne. The first event kicks off at 3pm on Friday 28th July and the kids can’t wait!
Each week there will be the usual bouncy castle, climbing wall – but look out as we ring the changes with some new fun activities. We’ll have a supervised craft tent, a quiet place for the tots (including story times) and chance to take some time out for reflection and prayer. The afternoon wraps up with yummy pizza from Villa Roma!
If you can pre-register your children in advance that helps us know who is coming and speeds up the time at the start of each Friday so the kids get to their activities faster! The link for pre-registration on Eventbrite is here.
A big thank you to the local councils (Crowthorne Parish council, Wokingham Without Parish Council) other grant funders and local businesses that have generously helped us put this event on and keep it free for children to attend. If you are able to “Give a little” to help us reach more children then please donate here.
PS Don’t forget to bring a reuseable water bottle to minimise the impact on the environment.
Service for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 22nd January 2023
All are welcome to join a Service to mark the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Sunday 22nd January 2023, 6pm at St John the Baptist Church, Crowthorne.
Crowthorne Live Screening of Queen’s Funeral from 10:00am Monday 19th September 2022
Crowthorne Baptist Church, High St, Crowthorne RG45 7NT will be showing the funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at the church on Monday the 19th September. Courtesy of the BBC streaming service who have given permission for us to stream live.The funeral will be taking place at Westminster Abbey and is scheduled to begin at 11:00 am. The Church will be open from 10:00am. This is for anybody who would like to watch it with others. Tea and coffee will be provided throughout the morning.
Service of Prayer and Reflection – HM Queen Elizabeth II
open to all

A prayer on the death of Her Majesty The Queen

National Day of Reflection – a short prayer to help

Join our 2021 Lent Programme

Churches together in Crowthorne invite you to join one of our study programmes over Lent. An opportunity to learn together with other Christians about our shared discipleship.
On Monday evenings, “Mission and creation care for Christian Disciples” a five week course (starting Monday 22nd February) connecting science, Christianity and the environment designed to challenge our understanding of Christian discipleship and encourage us to practice sustainable lifestyles including the care of creation. Joining details here.
On Tuesday evenings, a series of pre-recorded lectures on the theme ‘Excited by…’ This year our speakers will deliver recorded lectures to be hosted on Facebook and YouTube followed by an opportunity for Questions and Answers on Zoom at 9pm. Full details here.
On Thursday evenings, “Woven”, a six week course (starting Thursday 18th February). As people of faith we know that our story and God’s story are woven together, not
because we wish it to be so but because God is interested in the smallest detail of our
lives. During the course we will reflect on our personal relationship with God and on
every Christian’s responsibility to engage with the world as it is. Joining details here.
For further details contact the secretary, [email protected]
Week of Prayer Day 8

“So that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete”
(John 15:11)
Colossians 1:15-20 – In him all things hold together
Mark 4: 30—32 – As small as a mustard seed

Thrice-holy God, We thank you for having created and loved us.
We thank you for your presence in us and in creation.
May we learn to look upon the world as you look upon it, with love.
In the hope of this vision, may we be able to work for a world where justice and peace flourish, for the glory of your name.

go and do
- Global Find out about and join the prayer chain for climate justice.
The Prayer chain for climate justice was set up to help us all connect together across the world in our prayer and action for climate justice. It is an initiative of Christian Aid and is being done in partnership with CAFOD and Tearfund. It was initially set up to lead to the climate change talks originally planned for November 2020 but now postponed to November 2021 due to the COVID-19 global pandemic.
You can sign up on the calendar to fill a time-slot to pray by yourself or with others from your church. You can choose to pray on a regular basis as part of the prayer chain.
- Local
Are your local churches already involved with ecocongregations or ecochurch ? Visit Christian Aid campaigns to find out how to add your voice to the call for climate justice.
- Personal Take action for climate justice in your own life.
Visit Green Christian to join in the conversation and get involved in making a positive difference in the world. Green Christian are a community of ordinary Christians from all backgrounds and traditions working to care for Creation through prayer, living simply, public witness, campaigning and mutual encouragement.
Week of Prayer Day 7

“I am the vine, you are the branches”
(John 15:5a)
1 Corinthians 1:10-13; 3:21-23 – Is Christ divided?
John 17:20-23 – As you and I are one