Join the Crowthorne Churches on Good Friday 7th April 2023

Join the Crowthorne Churches on Good Friday 7th April 2023
So starts the second number of the cantata by Roger Jones – Jerusalem Joy – performed by a combined choir and band of 60 from the churches in Crowthorne and Sandhurst plus members of the Crowthorne CofE School choir last Sunday 10th April.
Jerusalem Joy retells the story from Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jersualem on Palm Sunday, to his death on a cross on the Friday and the amazing events of Easter Sunday morning when hisdisciples discover that Jesus “is not here” – he is risen from the dead.
Soloists from the choir took on roles in this semi-staged performance that was enthusiastically received by the audience of c150 at St John the Baptist Church, Crowthorne.
PS A week later, and we’re still humming the catchy tune to ‘Jesus rode a donkey into town’.
For details of other Services during Holy Week and Easter Sunday please see Easter Services 2022