Material for this year’s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity originates from the churches of Indonesia, where there is a strong emphasis upon the need for unity alongside the nation’s ethnic and religious diversity. The resources also highlight issues of economic injustice and how religious pluralism can face challenges in the face of radicalisation. The theme is based around Deuteronomy 16:18-20, ‘Justice, and only justice, you shall pursue…’
DAY 1 Amos 5:22-25 Luke 11:37-44 |
Christians in Indonesia recognize that in their land there are people who passionately try to practise their faith, but who oppress those of other beliefs. In the prophecy of Amos, God rejects the worship of those who neglect justice. In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus reminds us that the outward sign of true worship of God is acting justly. Christians can sometimes be very committed to prayer and worship, but less concerned for the poor and the marginalized. When, as Christians, we work together on justice issues we grow closer to one another and to God.

Source: Churches Together in Britain and Ireland Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Resources. Each day there are scripture passages, a short reflection, a prayer, questions for discussion and suggestions for further action (“go and do”).