“You have already been pruned by the word… “
(John 15:3)
Deuteronomy 30:11-20 – The word of God is very close to you
Matthew 5:1-12 – Blessed are you
Blessed are you, God our Father, for the gift of your word in Holy Scripture.
Blessed are you for its transforming power.
Help us choose life and guide us by your Spirit,
so that we can experience the happiness which you want so much to share with us.
go and do
Global: Find out more about the Just Scripture initiative and help organise a session connecting the churches in your area with a community across the world.
Local: What one act of kindness could the churches in your area take together to be a unified blessing in your wider community?
Personal: Read the Beatitudes through slowly (Matthew 5: 3-11). Which of the actions described in the passage are you encouraged to take today?
(see www.ctbi.org.uk/goanddo)